The Role of Deacons
Following the pattern set forth in the Scriptures, the deacons at the Lebanon Bible Fellowship Church exist to serve people in need. The deacons lead primarily through service and by caring for the physical needs of the congregation.
Ministries of the Deacons
Care Ministries
Through the Visitation Committee, the Deacons make regular visits to shut-ins and widows or widowers of the church family.
Transportation Ministry
This ministry coordinates transportation for those who need it, particularly for shut-ins, to attend church, for doctors appointments or medical procedures, to go to the store, to the bank, to run errands, etc.
Indoor/Outdoor Task Ministry
This ministry coordinates willing people to provide services (shoveling snow, raking leaves, light housekeeping, etc.) for people in our church who are unable to accomplish these particular tasks.
Hospitality Ministry
This committee coordinates the use of willing people of the church to provide meals and/or housing to guest speakers that we have at our church.
Compassion Ministry
This ministry coordinates the serving of a meal after a funeral in which one of our pastors officiates, providing a time for family and friends to grieve together and comfort one another. This ministry also coordinates the provision of meals to mothers of newborns and those who have been hospitalized.
Personal Care Equipment Ministry
Through this ministry, the Deacons are able to lend certain personal care equipment such as wheelchairs, hospital beds, etc. to those who are in need of them.
Crisis Ministries
Food Needs Ministry
This ministry coordinates the providing of food, groceries, etc., to families that request help because of difficult situations.
Benevolence Ministry
This ministry coordinates the use of funds to supply families in need with a little extra help to make it through difficult situations.
Church-Wide Ministries
This committee manages the use of the nursery and also coordinates workers during worship services.
Children’s Hope Ministries
The Children’s Hope Committee provides the congregation with opportunities to minister to children, through programs such as Operation Christmas Child, Compassion, Angel Tree, and more.
Kitchen Committee
This committee manages the use of the kitchen in our church. This enables us to have Fellowship Meals as a congregation, and also to have the necessary equipment for other uses of our kitchen in the life of the church.